Artist profiles

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  • Juliana Lauletta

    Location: Brazil
    Interested in
    Art Walk/TrailArtist book fairArtist TalkArts vacancyCommissionCompetitionConferenceContemporary art fairDesigner/maker fairExhibitionJournal/PublicationMentoringOpen studiosParticipatory projectResidencyStudio spacesVolunteeringWorkshop
    Works with
    CollageDigitalDrawingFilm / VideoGlassIllustrationInstallationInternetPaintingPhotographyProjectionSculptureSound
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    I am a Brazilian multimedia artist. My Light Painting Photographs are created exclusively with long exposures, without Photoshop, using stencils and light props that I build myself.

  • Marcia Brown

    Location: West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
    Interested in
    Art Walk/TrailArtist book fairArtist TalkArts vacancyCommissionCompetitionConferenceContemporary art fairDesigner/maker fairExhibitionOpen studiosParticipatory projectResidencyWorkshop
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    I'm an Artist & Qualified Art Teacher based in Leeds with a master's in Contemporary Fine Arts Practices. My work is inspired by African Art, Rastafarian Culture, and Roots Reggae. I've received the Edna Lumb Travel Scholarship and the Black Achievers Award. My recent public artwork "Church Windows of no Return" is displayed at Leeds Kirkgate Market and textiles at British The British Library.

  • Jon Eland

    Location: West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
    Interested in
    Art Walk/TrailArtist book fairArtist TalkExhibitionMentoringParticipatory projectWorkshop
    Works with
    Art writingCeramicsDigitalInstallationPhotographyTextile
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    Finding myself and my place in the world through many media including photography, textiles and AI.

  • Rachel Olin

    Location: Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
    Interested in
    Arts vacancyCommissionCompetitionContemporary art fairExhibitionParticipatory projectResidencyWorkshop
    Works with
    DigitalFilm / VideoIllustrationInstallationSculptureSoundTextile
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    Rachel Olin is an Artist and Maker based in Lincoln. Specialising in textile and installation work, Rachel is particularly interested in artwork that involves the viewer, creating an immersive experience. Born in 1988, Rachel has dedicated her life, education and work to the Arts. She studied at Bishop Grosseteste University under skilled artists such as Pete Moss, John Rimmer, and Hilary Bower.

  • Mary Castle-Millner

    Location: London, United Kingdom
    Interested in
    CommissionCompetitionExhibitionInternational life-drawing with ZoomOpen studiosResidency
    Works with
    CollageDrawingPaintingSculptureSocially Engaged Practice
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    Mary Castle-Millner is a visual artist with studios in London and North Devon. She directs Larkhall Art Club a non-profit art club which shares exceptional life drawing with international artists.

  • Pete Hind-Fletcher

    Location: London, United Kingdom
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    I graduated with a Fine Art degree at Wimbledon College of Art in 2014. I work mainly with acrylic and oil on canvas. I paint from memory those feelings and emotions that have evolved from personal experience. My work documents the silence and isolation I have felt in observation when no words seem appropriate.

  • Jude Kingshott

    Location: United Kingdom
    Interested in
    Artist book fairArts vacancyContemporary art fairExhibitionOpen studiosWorkshop
    Works with
    Art writingArtists’ booksCollagePhotographyPrintmakingTextTextile
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    Jude is a mixed media and textile artist, based in Kent. She teaches extensively in Europe and has exhibited Internationally in both solo and group shows.

  • Dominika Jackowska

    Location: Midlothian, United Kingdom
    Interested in
    Works with
    DigitalDrawingFilm / VideoInstallationLive artProjectionSculpture
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    I’m a visual artist and animator based in Edinburgh, and I love creating interactive experiences that mix technology with animation. My focus is on making art accessible to everyone, especially for disabled and neurodivergent audiences. Through projection mapping, I invite people to engage with my work and connect on a sensory level.

  • Alexander Mackenzie

    Location: Midlothian, United Kingdom
    Interested in
    Arts vacancyContemporary art fairExhibitionMentoringOpen studiosResidencyStudio spaces
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    Painting landscapes has been an integral part to my artistic life all along. Land- and cityscapes seem to come into view particularly when we begin to lose traction with the mundane everydayness of things. When we are undergoing some radical internal shift of priority or perspective, we are often grateful to notice landscape that has been there all the time, waiting for us to wake up to it...

  • Jo Watters-Pawlowski

    Location: East Sussex, United Kingdom
    Interested in
    CommissionCompetitionContemporary art fairExhibitionJournal/PublicationOpen studios
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    In 1985 I graduated in textile design and printed surfaces. Following a solo career as a textile designer and printer I made a natural transition towards abstract painting in 1997. In 2021 I decided to leave a specialist teaching post to become a full time painter and establish my practice and professional presence. I live and work in Ditchling, East Sussex.

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