Artist profiles

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  • James Tebbutt

    Location: Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
    Interested in
    CommissionCompetitionContemporary art fairExhibition
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    James Tebbutt, an artist based in Northampton, produces vivid, gestural and energetic abstract works on canvas using a multitude of media. He has shown his art throughout the UK and his paintings feature in many private collections all over the world.

  • Sally Light (aka Bodkin Beak)

    Location: United Kingdom
    Interested in
    Art Walk/TrailArtist book fairCommissionCompetitionContemporary art fairDesigner/maker fairExhibitionJournal/PublicationMentoringResidency
    Works with
    Art writingArtists’ booksDigitalPhotographyPrintmakingSocially Engaged PracticeTextTextile
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    I'm a textile artist/writer with an employment history of working in the textile trades, for whom cloth has to be the natural substrate for my texts and photographic images. My themes are to do with communicating care for our environment through noticing it, and demonstrating how the knowledge and language of the hands is not yet lost.

  • Laura Mabbutt

    Location: Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
    Interested in
    Art Walk/TrailArts vacancyCommissionCompetitionConferenceDesigner/maker fairExhibitionJournal/PublicationMentoringOpen studiosParticipatory projectResidencyWorkshop
    Works with
    Socially Engaged PracticeTextile
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    Laura is an applied artist, curator and creative project manager as well as Artist Associate for Mansion of the Future, Lincoln.

  • Jo and Co (Jo Holohan)

    Location: West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
    Interested in
    Artist TalkCommissionCompetitionContemporary art fairDesigner/maker fairExhibitionJournal/PublicationMentoringParticipatory projectVolunteeringWorkshop
    Works with
    Artists’ booksCeramicsCollageDigitalDrawingInstallationPaintingPhotographyPrintmakingSculptureSocially Engaged PracticeTextTextile
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    Jo & Co studied at Leeds College of Art in 1995 and graduated BA (Hons) Fine Art (2:1) from the University of Central Lancashire in 2000. They were diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder in 2015.

  • Papersandthread

    Location: West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
    Interested in
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    Bespoke handmade paper, wall art and lamp shades

  • Isobel Smith

    Location: East Sussex, United Kingdom
    Interested in
    Artist TalkArts vacancyCommissionCompetitionExhibitionJournal/PublicationMentoringResidency
    Works with
    Art writingFilm / VideoInstallationInternetLive artProjectionSculptureSocially Engaged Practice
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    My practice crosses performance, sculpture and moving image, inhabiting a flickering state between rational and non-rational realities, to create powerful mash-ups, hybrid half-truths, not-quite-lies. My work is in the Saatchi Collection and was exhibited in ‘Known Unknowns’ at Saatchi Gallery throughout 2018. I have performed at the Tate Modern and at performance festivals in UK and abroad.

  • Elcin PERSSON

    Location: London, United Kingdom
    Interested in
    CompetitionContemporary art fairExhibitionStudio spaces
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    I am an artist living in London. I studied Fine Arts in Paris. My work explores the relationship we have with nature.

  • Diana Ali

    Location: United Kingdom
    Interested in
    Artist TalkArts vacancyConferenceContemporary art fairExhibitionJournal/PublicationMentoringResidency
    Works with
    Art writingDigitalDrawingFilm / VideoInstallationPaintingPhotographyProjectionSoundText
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    I was born in Manchester to Bengali parents and is now based in Nottingham, UK. I actively work nationally and internationally taking my practice to different cities and spaces. She is a visual artist, international curator, creative mentor, art lecturer and tutor, workshop leader, on the board for Nottingham Women's Centre and Axisweb.

  • The Projection Studio

    Location: London, United Kingdom
    Interested in
    Art Walk/TrailArtist TalkCommissionCompetitionParticipatory project
    Works with
    DigitalFilm / VideoInstallationProjectionSound
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    The Projection Studio are specialists in 3D video mapping and audio installations.We have been producing stunning projections onto buildings, interesting spaces and structures since 1994. The Projection Studio works worldwide and has representation in India.

  • Adam R Tucker

    Location: West Midlands, United Kingdom
    Interested in
    Artist TalkCommissionCompetitionContemporary art fairExhibitionJournal/PublicationOpen studios
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    I love to create - both art and music. I compose extensively for schools and more recently for TV. My art expresses my love of nature and light.

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